You have probably been invited to complete one or more of our assessments. We are here to help you get ready. Please read more about our assessments below.
Your ability to reason with different data and information will be tested, including numerical, verbal, and logical/ abstract data.
Companies use these tests primarily for recruitment, whether internal or external, to understand your level of cognitive ability. Cognitive ability is the strongest predictor of job success and so can play an important role in ensuring that you undertake a job that suits your cognitive potential, thus benefiting both you and the employer.
Employers trust these tools because they are:
scientific with 100+ years of research behind them.
objective because they reduce human bias.
standardised because all who complete them are assessed against the level of difficulty, tapping into your cognitive potential.
Not at present. We do, however, know it will take you approximately 20-30 minutes to complete.
You can look at our practice questions to give you a feel for what you may encounter. Please answer the test questions to the best of your ability.
If you have been asked to complete Elev8's General Cognitive Ability Test, please have a look at the example questions below to give you an idea of what to expect. If not, you may want to read the following information (page expands, revealing more details when they click on information). If you have, you can skip to the practice questions.
The Most Suitable Answer is
17The Most Suitable Answer is
5The Most Suitable Answer is
DYou will be asked questions about how you see your own personality across various personality factors, including how Conscientious you think you are, how much of an Extrovert or Introvert you are, etc.
Personality Questionnaires help employers better understand how you generally behave across various situations. During recruitment, this can help them identify to what extent you may be a good fit for a job role or their company culture, thus benefiting both you and the employer. During development initiatives, this can help identify the pros and cons of your personality traits. This information can then be used in a developmental setting, e.g., a coaching session or a training course, to identify ways to help you improve your performance, and in turn, the performance of the company.
Employers trust these tools because they are:
scientific with 100+ years of research behind them.
objective because they reduce human bias.
standardised because all who complete them are assessed against the level of difficulty, tapping into your cognitive potential.
No, personality questionnaires are not timed. We do, however, know it will take you approximately 20-30 minutes to complete
Not at all. You only need to answer the questions as honestly as possible.
Sure. We recommend:
Read the instructions carefully.
Go through the practice questions to get familiar with the personality questionnaire.
Complete this in a quiet, comfortable space with no interruptions.
Answer as honestly as possible. Don’t try and guess what an employer may be looking for, as you might get it wrong. It is better to respond honestly. As mentioned before, the idea is to find the best fit between you and the position/ organisation, so taking on a job you will not be suited for is not in your best interest.
Ensure you have a good connection. You can follow the link to help you do so.